
Master of Political Science

@FISIP Universitas Diponegoro


@MIP FISIP Universitas Diponegoro

Magister Ilmu Politik adalah program yang tepat untuk anda dalam meraih masa depan depan yang lebih baik. Karena program Magister Ilmu Politik mempunyai tiga konsentrasi, yaitu Politik & Kebijakan Publik, Politik Digital, dan Tata kelola Pemilu. 


Politics and Public Policy Concentration


1 2 3 4 5
No. Group of Course Course Course Code Credits Semester
1. University Compulsory Courses (MKWU) (5 Courses) Introduction to Political Research PSPL8001 3 1
2. Proposal Writing Seminar PSPL8002 3 2
3. Field Research 1 PSPL8003 2 3
4. Results Seminar 1 PSPL8004 1 3
5. Thesis PSPL8005 6 3
6. Publication 1 PSPL8006 3 3
Total credits for the University Compulsory Course   17 1

Study Program Compulsory Courses

(MKPS) Basic (3 Courses

Social and Political Theories PSPL8011 3 1
8. Politics and Policy Analysis PSPL8012 3 1
9. Introduction to Digital Politics PSPL8013 3 1
Total credits for the Study Program Basic Compulsory Course (5 Courses)   9

Study Program Compulsory Courses (MKPS) Concentration(3 Courses)


The Politics of Planning and Budgeting in Developing Countries PSPL8014 3 2
11. Politics of Spatial Planning, Environment and Natural Resources PSPL8015 3 2
12. Political Parties and Groups of Interest PSPL8016 3 2
Total credits for the Study Program Concentration Compulsory Course (3 Courses)   9
13. Elective Courses (MKP) (1 Course) The Politics of Crisis and Disaster Policy LSPL8024 3 1
14. Politics of Social Policy LSPL8025 3 1
15. Global Populism and Activism LSPL8026 3 1
16. Politics of Violence and Peace LSPL8027 3 1
17. Islamic Political Theory LSPL8028 3 2
18. International and Humanity Development LSPL8029 3 2
19. Digital Politics in Southeast Asia LSPL8030 3 2
20. Politics and Gender Policy LSPL8031 3 2
Total Credits for the Elective Course   3
Total Credits   39


Field Research with 2 credits is equivalent to a desk study or field research for approximately 1 semester, with a sufficient number of informants, or quantitative research with a limited number of respondents (n (number of respondents), and/or quantitative research using the available data sets.

Results Seminar with 1 credit can be done by participating in national/international seminars/webinars as a presenter or replaced by a publication of popular articles from literature reviews and field research results both in reputable print and online media.

Digital Politics Concentration


1 2 3 4 5
No. Group of Course Course Course Code Credits Semester
1. University Compulsory Courses (MKWU) (5 Courses) Introduction to Political Research PSPL8001 3 1
2. Proposal Writing Seminar PSPL8002 3 2
3. Field Research 1 PSPL8003 2 3
4. Results Seminar 1 PSPL8004 1 3
5. Thesis PSPL8005 6 3
6. Publication 1 PSPL8006 3 3
Total Credits for the University Compulsory Course   1

Study Program Compulsory Courses

(MKPS) Basic (3 Courses)

Social and Political Theories PSPL8011 3 1
8. Politics and Policy Analysis PSPL8012 3 1
9. Introduction to Digital Politics PSPL8013 3 1
Total Credits for the Study Program Basic Compulsory Courses (5 Courses)   9
10. Study Program Compulsory Courses (MKPS) Concentration (3 Courses) Digital Democracy PSPL8017 3 2
11. Digital Political Issues PSPL8018 3 2
12. Digital Government PSPL8019 3 2
Total credits for the Study Program Concentration Compulsory Course (3 Courses)   9
13. Elective Course (MKP) (1 Course) The Politics of Crisis and Disaster Policy LSPL8024 3 1
14. Politics of Social Policy LSPL8025 3 1
15. Global Populism and Activism LSPL8026 3 1
16. Politics of Violence and Peace LSPL8027 3 1
17. Islamic Political Theory LSPL8028 3 2
18. International and Humanity Development LSPL8029 3 2
19. Digital Politics in Southeast Asia LSPL8030 3 2
20. Politics and Gender Policy LSPL8031 3 2
Total Credits for the Elective Courses   3
Total Credits   39


Field Research with 2 credits is equivalent to a desk study or field research for approximately 1 semester, with a sufficient number of informants, or quantitative research with a limited number of respondents (n (number of respondents), and/or quantitative research using the available data sets.Results Seminar with 1 credit can be conducted by participating in national/international seminars/webinars as a presenter or replaced by the publication of popular articles from literature reviews and field research results both in reputable print and online media.Publication of 3 credits is the same as publications in national journals indexed by Sinta (where the publications in Sinta 3-4 are equivalent to a grade of B, and Sinta 1-2 is equivalent to a grade of A) or international journals that have not been indexed/reputable.

General Election Management Concentration


1 2 3 4 5
No. Group of Course Course Course Code Credits Semester
1. University Compulsory Courses (MKWU) (2 Courses Introduction to Political Research PSPL8001 3 1
2. Proposal Writing Seminar PSPL8002 3 2
3. Field Research 1 PSPL8003 2 3
4. Results Seminar 1 PSPL8004 1 3
5. Thesis PSPL8005 6 3
6. Publication 1 PSPL8006 3 3
Total Credits for the University Compulsory Course   18 1

Study Program Compulsory Courses

(MKPS) Basic (3 Courses)

Social and Political Theories PSPL8011 3 1
8. Politics and Policy Analysis PSPL8012 3 1
9. Introduction to Digital Politics PSPL8013 3 1
Total Credits for the Study Program Basic Compulsory Courses (5 Courses)   9

Study Program Compulsory Courses (MKPS) Concentration (3 Courses)


Election System and Regulation PSPL8020 3 2
11. Election Institutions PSPL8021 3 2
12. Election Logistics and Financial Management PSPL8022 3 2
13. Election Malpractice, Ethics and Justice PSPL8023 3 2
Total credits for the Study Program Concentration Compulsory Course (3 Courses)   12
14. Elective Course (MKP) (Opsional, Sit-in Class format) The Politics of Crisis and Disaster Policy LSPL8024 3 1
15. Politics of Social Policy LSPL8025 3 1
16. Global Populism and Activism LSPL8026 3 1
17. Politics of Violence and Peace LSPL8027 3 1
18. Islamic Political Theory LSPL8028 3 2
19. International and Humanity Development LSPL8029 3 2
20. Digital Politics in Southeast Asia LSPL8030 3 2
21. Politics and Gender Policy LSPL8031 3 2
Total Credits for the Elective Courses   0
Total Credits   39


Field Research with 2 credits is equivalent to a desk study or field research for approximately 1 semester, with a sufficient number of informants, or quantitative research with a limited number of respondents (n (number of respondents), and/or quantitative research using the available data sets.

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@MIP FISIP Universitas Diponegoro

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