Master of Political Science
@FISIP Universitas Diponegoro
Master of Political Science
The Undip’s Master of Political Science is a postgraduate study program in the field of Political Science that excels in theory and application theory in the field of political management and governance. The Master Program of Political Science is under the auspices of the Department of Politics and Government, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Diponegoro. This study program is Supported by the leaders who have well-established expertise in the realm of Political Science and Governance Science, both related to the realm of the state / government, political parties (intermediary), and civil society, making the Undip’s Master of Political Science the right place to explore the knowledge and expertise in politics at the political in the next level.
The Lecturers
@MIP FISIP Universitas Diponegoro
The specialization of the officials in the fields of policy analysis, planning and budgeting, village governance, political party and election studies, environmental politics and natural resources, as well as media and political communication, along with the developed methodological maturity, have made the discussion spaces in the Master Program of Political Science Undip rich in perspectives. Equipped with the library facilities in the Study Program, Departments, Faculties and Universities, as well as a supportive learning atmosphere have made lot of students successfully complete their studies in a very effective time. The publication of the Master Program in Political Science of Undip, the POLITIKA: Journal of Political Science, which has been accredited by Sinta 2 shows the scientific credibility of the Master Program in Political Science.

Our Lecturers
Kurikulum @MIP-UNDIP
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