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Name |
Publication Title |
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Prof. Budi Setiyono, S.Sos., M.Pol.Admin., Ph.D |
- What Controls E-Participation? Government Presence on the Internet and Government Ineffectiveness (Publication in the form of proceedings at the seminar)
- Leadership of Women in Local Politics: A Study of the Three-Selection of Women Regents in Kendal Regency (Publication in the form of proceedings at the seminar)
- Religious Attitudes of High School Islamic Teachers in Central Java Against Ethnicity and Differences in Faith (Publication in the form of proceedings at the seminar)
- Examining the Current State of Indonesian Democracy: Elite’s Perspective (Publication in the form of proceedings at the seminar)
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Dr. Drs. Teguh Yuwono, M.Pol.Admin |
- Semua Berawal dari IT: Terobosan Banyuwangi dalam Menata Ulang Tatakelola Pemerintahan (Journal Publication)
- Implementasi Kebijakan Sekolah Swasta Gratis di Kota Semarang (Journal Publication)
- Community Resilience in Urban Plural Context: Assessing Challenges and Strategies in Times of Covid- 19 Pandemic (Publication in the form of proceedings at the seminar)
- Localizing IT: Smart Kampung as Banyuwangi Regency’s Innovation from Below 2015-2020 (Publication in the form of proceedings at the seminar)
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Dr. Drs. Muhammad Adnan, M.A. |
- Religious Attitudes of High School Islamic Teachers in Central Java Against Ethnicity and Differences in Faith (Publication in the form of proceedings at the seminar)
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Drs. Yuwanto, M.Si., Ph.D. |
- Deliberative Democracy in Virtual Public Space: A Case Study of Semarang City’s “LAPOR Hendi “ (Publication in the form of proceedings at the seminar)
- Leadership of Women in Local Politics: A Study of the Three-Selection of Women Regents in Kendal Regency (Publication in the form of proceedings at the seminar)
- The Dynamics And Existence Of Islamic Party In 2019 General Election: Case Study Of Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) (Journal Publication)
- Political Contestious As Political Behavior In IndonesianElectionpatiDistrict2017LocalElection” (Journal Publication)
- “Representative Bureaucracy” As An Effort To Strengthen The Representation Of Indigenous Papuans On Government Bureaucracy In Merauke District (Journal Publication)
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Dr. Dra. Kushandajani, M.S. |
- Community Cooperative as Self-Empowerment: Smallholders Palm Oil Farmers in Kotawaringin Barat, Central Kalimantan, Indonesia (Publication in the form of proceedings at the seminar)
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Dr. Sos. Dra. Fitriyah, M.S. |
- The Readiness of Local KPU in Central Java to Organize the 2020 Simultaneous Election during COVID-19 Pandemic (Publication in the form of proceedings at the seminar)
- Student Political Participation a Head of the 2020 Simultaneous Regional Elections in Central Java (Publication in the form of proceedings at the seminar)
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Dr. Dra. Rina Martini, M.Si. |
- Examining the Current State of Indonesian Democracy: Elite’s Perspective (Publication in the form of proceedings at the seminar)
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Dr. Nur Hidayat, S.Sos., M.Si. |
- Leadership of Women in Local Politics: A Study of the Three-Selection of Women Regents in Kendal Regency (Publication in the form of proceedings at the seminar)
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Dr. Dewi Erowati, S.Sos., M.Si. |
- Gender Responsive Planning and Budgeting in the Department of Health, Department of Education and Culture, Kebumen District 2017-2019 (Publication in the form of proceedings at the seminar)
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Wijayanto, S.IP., M.Si., Ph.D. |
- Examining the Current State of Indonesian Democracy: Elite’s Perspective (Publication in the form of proceedings at the seminar)
- Interpreting the Anger of President Joko Widodo: An Analysis in the Perspective of Javanese Political Culture (Publication in the form of proceedings at the seminar)
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Dr. Laila Kholid Alfirdaus, S.IP., M.PP. |
- Community Resilience in Urban Plural Context: Assessing Challenges and Strategies in Times of Covid- 19 Pandemic (Publication in the form of proceedings at the seminar)
- Community Cooperative as Self-Empowerment: Smallholders Palm Oil Farmers in Kotawaringin Barat, Central Kalimantan, Indonesia (Publication in the form of proceedings at the seminar)
- Localizing IT: Smart Kampung as Banyuwangi Regency’s Innovation from Below 2015-2020 (Publication in the form of proceedings at the seminar)