by webadmin | Jul 17, 2021 | News, PMB
PROCEDURE OF INDEPENDENT EXAM FOR POSTGRADUATE & PROFESSIONAL PROGRAMS OF FY 2021/2022 Participants open the Zoom media with the meeting ID as stated on the participant card. Participants open the page Enter the username: Participant’s...
by webadmin | May 29, 2021 | Dedication, News
Universitas Diponegoro has carried out so much effort and assistance for students who are affected by the Covid19 Pandemic. Starting from internet quota assistance, food distribution, distribution of protectors such as masks and sanitisers, WFH student internships to...
by webadmin | Apr 13, 2021 | News, PMB
Hereby we announce to all participants of the prospective new students of the 2021 Postgraduate – Profession Independent Test (UM) to do the re-registration according to the sequence of information below : Information on the Re-Registration Please Download Here...
by webadmin | Apr 7, 2021 | News, PMB
The UNDIP’s Rector hereby announce the participants who had passed the selection as the Prospective New Student of the 2021 Postgraduate and Profession UM line on Odd Semester Batch I. Therefore, those who had passed the selection are required to immediately do...
by webadmin | Mar 26, 2021 | News, PMB
We’d like to announce to all participants of the test selection of the Postgraduate and Profession Program for the Odd Semester 2021 Batch 1 that the exam will be held on : Day/Date : Sunday-Monday, March 28th – March 29th, 2021 Time : 08.00 AM – Finish...