Improving the Quality of UNDIP Publications through Website Assistance

Posted by webadmin

November 24, 2023

“Improvements to Diponegoro University’s Webometrics ranking can be optimized on the visibility indicator considering a weight of 50%, and the potential to increase blacklink content is unlimited and can be done more quickly. The transparency or Google Scholar indicators of 10% and excellence of 40% really depend on research and publication potential,” said the Vice Rector for Communication and Business at Diponegoro University, Prof. Budi Setiyono, S.Sos., M.Pol.Admin., Ph.D. in his speech at the Website Standardization Assistance event within Undip organized by the Communication and Business Bureau at Noormans Hotel Semarang, Thursday (23/11).

Prof. Budi said that Webometrics is a university ranking, not a ranking of university websites. Webometrics uses web metrics indicators and research metrics. Its main aim is to promote open access to knowledge produced by universities.

Present as a resource person was Septi Wulandari, S.Sos., M.I.Kom as Producer (Editor) of iNews media, who presented material with the title “Building Strong Messages through Websites.”

Septi Wulandari, S.Sos., M.I.Kom as the resource person, presented material on “Building Strong Messages Through Websites.”

Septi gave tips for writing exciting writing, including an interesting title, an engaging writing style, facts and data, a strong introduction and focusing on the values upheld by the university.

“An interesting title is a title that is short, clear, uses words that arouse curiosity, and avoids titles that are too long,” she said.

“Use a friendly writing style, easy to understand by general readers, also include narrative elements that are interesting and form a strong picture. “Apart from that, make sure the facts presented are accurate and obtained from trusted sources and use direct quotations and statistical data as support,” she concluded. (LW-Public Relations)

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